The season we are in will demand "due diligence" from leaders to now demonstrate as the Apostle Paul – that we must not give any ground to the enemy during our mandate to increase God's Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
The King James version uses this word, "diligence" as our premier ingredient for our requirement to press in past the places we have gone. That same word means "extreme attentiveness and thoroughness." We have gone from Rosh Hashanah (a time of repentance) and onto Yom Kippur (a time of atonement) for our past sins. During this season of a "clean slate" we, as the family of God, must now strengthen each other to above all stand firm in the faith and take ground for the Kingdom of God.
We cannot accomplish this next season alone. No individual will be able to stand alone as the enemy knows his time is running out! We must join together and be diligent in our persistence to aggressively take this ground by Holy Spirit forces. We must join in as groups of leaders to engage prayer, declarations, prophetic decrees and unity prayer vigils to impact our communities, states and our nation for God.
"Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall." –2 Peter 1:10, KJV
God has sent His perfect atonement – Jesus Christ – assuring total restoration of our relationship with the Father and destroying the works of the devil. As the family of God, with leaders who are transitioning into more intense apostolic order, we must now abide by this directive of "determined discipline" from the Apostle Paul's pen, yet even greater – his life.
Our lives must now become active together as one voice to indeed take our nation back to the plan that our forefathers made a great commitment and covenant to achieve. It is time to join God's forces to become the "one voice" of unity in the Body of Christ that imparts in the land and in the heavens – this country belongs to the Kingdom of God!
We will not take our nation back to the heart of our Father with a "casual affair" both in our service to our Lord or to our land of the free and home of the brave. We must individually and corporately be engaged to press into the high calling of God to further His Kingdom now, more than ever, on earth as it is in Heaven.
No More Casualties in the Kingdom!
Remember, "Casual is the beginning of casualty!" Being connected to Jesus and accountable leaders will assure victory!
"Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." –Matthew 11:29,30 KJV
The enemy of our land does not want to give up ground, as we together remind others that we cannot win this battle single-handedly! Winning is not merely showing up and hoping the battle is not too difficult. If we are lackadaisical, we will not only give up ground, but assist the enemy in the opportunity to take more "prisoners of war!"
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." –1 Peter 5:8 KJV
We are to not give an inch to the enemy! Remember, we are the victors who have read the end of the Book, and realize full well the war has been decided in God's plan, yet we must be about the work of the Master to ensure the battles do not lose brothers and sisters as "casualties of warfare."
For some time, I have felt that this is a very commanding time of "due diligence" to not be slumbering in our calling and assignments. How can this be assured as five fold ministry leaders are required to turn the enemy at the gate? One area is to unite with other leaders in the faith and to absolutely not let a "single-handed" warrior be left for the pickings from a very sly satan. We must bind together and encourage those not connected to become "accountably tied" to others who will not allow friends to become easy prey for the shrewd wiles of the devil. We must be connected and bound to accountable leaders who will proactively assure the calling and election of the Father is being protected in both the person and the family of God.
"Awake Others to Declare and Decree in Unity in Our Areas!"
The Lord spoke to my heart, as we have been on a ministry tour in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania region – we must not only decree but "be" the Word. PA AWAKE is an annual event for area pastors and leaders to come together in unity to make a day of prayerful declarations in the region, state and nation. I was honored to receive an invitation from the area pastors to be one of the voices that decreed part of the Lord's Prayer in a local municipal park on September 11, well known as 9-11 during PA AWAKE 2010.
My declaration assignment happened to be, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven." (God knew that this is one of my favorite subjects these days!)
The Lord had me decree "Kingdom Come!" Many people were in unity and the power of agreement was in our midst, and we knew that this was not only invoking the atmosphere of God's Kingdom in the Pennsylvania region, but into the air waves of our country.
Let's join forces and become "one voice" for God and our nation! We have all authority as Believers to proactively come together in parks and in meeting areas to make "public declarations" prophesying God's will be done in our geographic and spiritual atmosphere, as one nation under God. This is powerful and it certainly caught the eye of the community. Even the Mayor of Harrisburg came out with a prayer and public endorsement of this unified prayer initiative. It is time to have leaders everywhere plan and engage in this corporate declaration of taking our land for the Kingdom of Heaven!
"And from the time John the Baptist began preaching until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and violent people are attacking it." –Matthew 11:12, NLT
Be advised that recruitment is important! This word violent above does not mean to be hostile or physically cruel, but it is a word meaning aggressive actions to fulfill your mission. We cannot be dormant expecting our Kingdom of Heaven to be advanced. We must have a radical spirit like John the Baptist in order to advance God's Kingdom through many national prayer initiatives. We will see these prayer gatherings become one great way of advancing the Kingdom of Heaven all across the U.S. as the family of God becomes powerfully united again!
We cannot be innocent observers and expect to take this land and bring the children back to the heart of our Father. We must become proactive and take this by force. Passive wishes will not gain ground for God in this season. We must press into the high calling of God.
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." –Philippians 3:14, KJV
It is now a season of every person joining together with others and with leaders who want to turn our nation back to the heart of the Father by simply applying the "law of numbers." This is combining with our regular Kingdom assignments as we forcibly become "violent faith" people to recruit many to join forces to publicly demonstrate the power of unified declarative prayer and prophetic decrees that will engage the enemy and turn him away at the gates of our cities. This is a season of every person to join our leaders and spiritual forces for God's Kingdom to become "one voice" that demonstrates we can be God's Word to win our land.
Now is the time for all God's people to be the consistent persistent!
John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries
Email: MarkandSandyPool@aol.com