Friday, March 6, 2020

A Word Regarding the Corona Virus and Fear

I was stirred this morning by the fear that is being spread  around the world.  That idea that many people are going to die.

Yes, some will.  Not all.  But some will.

It is the way it happens.  Millions die every year, some of flu, some of cancer, come of  heart ailments, some of murder, some of suicide and on and on it goes.

No one makes light of the facts regarding this new virus circling the globe.  Yet.. it is what it is and we need to face it with faith not fear.

Where health care is good, people get sick and then they get better.  Where health care is poor people die disproportionately. 

Where there is a large and comprimised population, like in a nursing home, many die.

Here is the truth.  All of us, most likely will  encounter, be exposed to and even some will manifest symptoms of this new virus.  Nearly all of us will survive.  Young and healthy don't seem to be mortally affected. So even if you aren't young, you can be healthy.

Be as careful as you can be, but don't be silly.  Don't lean into the punch.

There is a mass hysteria over this in the world right now. Fear of the unknown, of a mass extermination of the human race.  Except that isn't what is being seen.   Yes in China and South Korea there are many sick and a percentage will die.  Every life is precious, but there does indeed come a time when we come face to face with the end.  It is appointed unto a men once.

Despite the furor, even the epicenter in China has seen the peak of this.  Those who were going  to die from it, did.  Most did not.  It is passing from the scene.

Fear is causing the economy to stumble.  This is short lived.  At some point people will become aware of the limited impact of all this.  The greatest economy in the world will rebound.

Do not be taken in by the Snare of the Fowler which is fear.

This too shall pass, faster than you can possibly believe.  By the 4th of July this will be a rear view event.  Stay as safe as possible but as Jesus said to the disciples in the boat when he rose from his nap....STOP THE FEAR.

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