Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Sure Word of Prophecy

Reading 2 Peter Chapter One and Two this morning I was struck with how timely it is..

The words "Sure word of prophecy" is from the King James.. but The Message translation says it pretty well.  We must be careful of what we accept as a Sure Word in this day and hour. Some isn't that sure. 

2 Peter Chapter One
16-18 We weren’t, you know, just wishing on a star when we laid the facts out before you regarding the powerful return of our Master, Jesus Christ. We were there for the preview! We saw it with our own eyes: Jesus resplendent with light from God the Father as the voice of Majestic Glory spoke: “This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of all my delight.” We were there on the holy mountain with him. We heard the voice out of heaven with our very own ears.

19-21 We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts. The main thing to keep in mind here is that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of private opinion. And why? Because it’s not something concocted in the human heart. Prophecy resulted when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God’s Word.

Chapter 2 1-2 But there were also lying prophets among the people then, just as there will be lying religious teachers among you. They’ll smuggle in destructive divisions, pitting you against each other—biting the hand of the One who gave them a chance to have their lives back! They’ve put themselves on a fast downhill slide to destruction, but not before they recruit a crowd of mixed-up followers who can’t tell right from wrong.

2-3 They give the way of truth a bad name. They’re only out for themselves. They’ll say anything, anything, that sounds good to exploit you. They won’t, of course, get by with it. They’ll come to a bad end, for God has never just stood by and let that kind of thing go on.

I'm not looking to stone anyone, just be more careful.. PLEASE!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Deep Darkness Displaced by LIGHT

The last several days have been filled with gloom, doom, moon and swoon. People convinced the end of the world was upon us were in fear.

Here's what I heard the Lord say in response to all the gloom:

"You were called to be the light of the world, not the dark.  Come into the light, let it shine.  The world lives in enough darkness, offer people the hope I placed in YOU by MY Spirit.  Let joy and peace reign in your hearts and by contact transfer that to others.  Demonstrate why I am the desire of Nations. Your brief moment of diversion is over. Now it is time to once again proclaim victory and the life as an overcomer you were destined to be.  It is not enough that you survive, but that you thrive.  Come up HERE.. Higher so you can see what life really is supposed to be at 30,000 feet.  Don't allow the stress and pain of the world to drag you down.  Lift others up.  My word in your mouth is enough.  Walk away from those who are spiritual pollutants.  You were filled with ME to have Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Love, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control.  Turn your back on those things that rob you of any ONE of these noble things."

Monday, September 28, 2015

When the Moon Turns RED

I grew up in a home where it was believed that the moon would turn red in the last days. My mother was convinced that if man ever landed on the moon that was it.  End of world and all.

My dad was Lutheran and Mom went along, but she was pretty fundamentalist in her belief system. Didn't believe in infant baptism.  Believed in evil spirits.  Lots of things. Some superstitious.

So when all kinds of eschatological things came along 30 years ago in the end time scare movies we were treated to in the Assembly of God church it terrified us.  Beheading little children and the balloon goes up as he loses his head to the Guillotine. Nightmare stuff.

When later in life I was introduced a decade ago to a more victorious eschatology it was a hard sell.  I fought it hard. Everything I believed, was convinced of, had been taught was brought into not only question but rattled everything I thought I knew.  It was emotional.  It was hard. In a way believing what I did was a comfort zone. It was comfortable to blame all the world's woe on anti christ, new world order, illuminate, the beast, the mark, end of the world, signs of the times, "PROPHECY" that seemed so clear in Revelation for 2000 years of certitude was being tested.

Yet.. as I submitted myself to explore as if I were a man from mars the whole end times theology I had been taught versus a fulfilled eschatology, it was not just compelling, it was jarring.  Eventually I had to come to grips with the truth of the matter.

I am not here to try to convince you.  That is the job of others.  I'm still pretty new to this and every new revelation that comes along is like a breath of fresh air. I feel free and joyful not looking FORWARD to something that will never happen or has already happened.  It is a gift.  Like being set free from jail.  A jail made up of an imaginary eschatology that put me in chains.

Last night I, like so many, stood outside and watched the moon rise, wane to a full eclipse and then wax again. It was beautiful.  I stood outside in the dark for an hour.  It was red.  It was not a harbinger of anything but a demonstration of the beauty of all of God's creation.

I was reminded of the wonder of the Heavens and the meaning of it all:

Once for all I have sworn by my holiness;
    I will not lie to David.
His offspring shall endure forever,
    his throne as long as the sun before me.
Like the moon it shall be established forever,
    a faithful witness in the skies.”   Psalm 89:35-37

And Psalms 19

The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
    whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth,
    and their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
    which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
    and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.
Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
    and its circuit to the end of them,
    and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

And God said, "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,  Genesis 1

Then found myself humming the old Chorus from Psalm 8:

O Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
    Out of the mouth of babies and infants,
you have established strength because of your foes,
    to still the enemy and the avenger.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?
Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
    and crowned him with glory and honor.
You have given him dominion over the works of your hands;
    you have put all things under his feet,
all sheep and oxen,
    and also the beasts of the field,
the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea,
    whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

And that is how the RED moon was to me..  

Truth does indeed set people free..  I am an example

Friday, September 25, 2015

Pain and Suffering is a Wedge

I have many people around me who are in a great deal of pain and suffering, some near death. It's hard to watch. It's hard to grasp how rough it really is.

Yes, we pray for them, yes we intercede, but long and short, we still have difficulty navigating life when pain is a constant companion.

It helps to know that Jesus takes our pains and sufferings on himself.  Still, there is no denying the truth of the situation when you are hurting, "I HURT".

That has the potential of driving a wedge.  Which side we end up on is the issue.  One side is clinging to the settled payment for our pain, the cross of Christ, the healing that is the Fathers Bread, the understanding that this too will pass.

The other side of the wedge is resentment, faith deteriorating, anger, distance, removal from intimacy with Jesus.  The pain causes us to step away, not toward.  That's not condemnation, it's a fact of life. 

Only when we are face to face with the very end of our life do we often run spiritually to HIM.  Not deathbed conversions, recognition that HE is all there is.

There is no other hope, no other solace, no other way than that.

I asked the Father this morning.. here's the impression I got:

"Even when you think you are far from me, that you have drifted, I am not far from you.  I said I would never leave or forsake you, and I haven't changed. I am the unchanging God who created everything you see, feel or touch.  Your pain and suffering is not without my attention.  Some is an attack of the enemy of your soul and some is because it is appointed unto man...   Yet I will be there waiting when you return to me and I will refresh you like the spring rain.  Your pain is temporary, I am eternal.  Don't lose hope, don't give up, focus on eternal things and not the temporal.  It's where I live.. in eternity."

Monday, September 21, 2015


My brother and I used to have a man by the name of Barry who worked for us.  He was a good guy.  Had a drug problem.  Died young.  Didn't know Jesus. Heck we didn't know Jesus then.

But he was perpetually tentative.  It ruled his life.  Some of the things he would say that would keep him from action were things like:

  • I Don't Know. (He would say it in a sing song manner, rising in pitch slight drop at the end)
  • Maybe...
  • What if..
  • We'll see

His whole life was lenitive.  He never actually was certain about anything.

Here's now years later what was missing.  Bet you can guess.  He never knew what truth and the true immutable unchanging God was about.  Sure we can never know all we could or should but we can know enough to be certain of our future, how how things will work out, of how we can count on him.  There is no I don't know, Maybe, What if, and We'll see for the sold out saint of God.

Barry never found out. I couldn't tell him at that time, I didn't know either.  We can live with less maybe and more I know who my redeemer is.  The word speaks of this all the way thru.. and it gave me cause to write this tonight.  Rest in the Unchanging God.. when life all around you seems to be in chaos.

The Old Testament clearly states that God is immutable:

"God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" (Numbers 23:19).

"He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind” (1 Samuel 15:29).

"They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end" (Psalm 102:26-27).

"Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please’" (Isaiah 46:10-11).

“I the LORD do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed" (Malachi 3:6).

God is Immutable – New Testament Verses
"Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself" (2 Timothy 2:11-13).

"God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged" (Hebrews 6:18).

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" (James 1:17).

"He also says, 'In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end'” (Hebrews 1:10-12).

"Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness— in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time" (Titus 1:1-2).

Live Life with more purpose fixed on the certainty of God's unchanging nature.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Testing Prophecy

At the turn of the Jewish New Year 5776 on September 13-15 I reviewed what the Lord Spoke at the turn of the calendar year. In review I see now that it is important to know what the Lord is saying.. those who are forewarned are forearmed. You may want to take a look.. there are a few months left: 

Word of the Lord for 2015

As I do every year, I lean in to hear what the Lord is Saying for the year to come.  Sometimes it is detailed.  Sometimes in riddles.  He gives us what we need to hear.  He prepares us thru the prophetic. Our hearts are more ready for a word at junctions and pivot points like the turn of a year.

A few years ago the Lord told me that 2015 would be a turn around year for the Body of Christ and the USA.  Yet there is a global backdrop that needs to be understood.

Here are global bullet points the Lord gave me.

  • Russia: Hard times repression, but no return.  Stirred but not shaken.  Genie in the bottle is out, and won't go back.  No revolution = no return.  Nationalism more like Early Germany.  Blaming others for the depressed state.  Gives vent.  Danger is only if they lose all hope.
  • China Stumbles..  Global economic reset hurts china.  Client states will not do well with it.  Yuan wanes.  Jesus is winning over atheism. 
  • Islam is exposed naked and ashamed.  Isolated yet when cornered more dangerous - for a while.  In war winning battles losing war.  Islam will fall.  Jesus will reign in the hearts and minds of men and women in the middle east.
  • Korea perceived strength is weak.  A paper tiger in the north but still a tiger none the less.  Reaching exhaustion. South must prepare for next.  It's not war.. It's impact.
  • Cuba.. all the noise and fury yet nothing really changes for the better.  Just a drift.  The problems there are from government not from former embargoes.  Communism exposed.. again.
  • Europe - the EU was a consolidation and is now fragmenting... in currency.  Return of the D-Mark.
  • Africa cannot find its way as a continent.  Like a huge dark auditorium with 50 small and a few large various wild animals stumbling about looking for light.  The true struggle has yet to be engaged.  It must be their victory. It cannot come from outside.  The corruption will crush any reform.  They must be left to work this out or they will stay a slave state as a continent.
  • South America.  Suddenly it's 1970.  Like nothing ever changed.  Reset is coming.  It will start at the corners, Venezuela and Argentina.  Pain will be great.  Some nations will avoid direct pain, but there will be no hiding place as it happens.  It will destabilize for a while. 
  • India - Pakistan et al.. Darkness and Light in a Fight for the souls of the nation.  Light will win but darkness never retreats without a fight.  Not this year.. but don't give up.  Victory will come.
  • The USA in the year to come... Political storm and fury.  Lies and Deceit.  Yet In cooperating with the new congress and senate he begins to form his legacy and he becomes as good as many hoped.  By the end of 2015 essentially his term is over.  Yet there is a great testing to come.  A crisis not yet seen.  His leadership will be tested one last time. 

Exposure and Light shines on a culture that knows not God nor Man in favor.  A porcupine culture.  Corrupt.  Broken.  Selfish.  Easily misled.  Made up of lost souls.. some of whom think they know Jesus.. but don't know Him ………really. 

Economic Reset in the USA and in the world will result in the rich becoming even richer and the poor even poorer.  There is a smaller middle ground.  Those who are poor cannot find their way in the world they hoped to inherit. Skills were never developed when they should have been.  The lies the poor are told increase their poverty.  Their victimization is increased and as they accept the role they lose control. No victim can rule.  Not even themselves.  The focus on victimization increases their despair even more.

In the economy, as things change, people are becoming dependent even more on others and on the supernatural provision of God.  Government will fail.  Institutions will fail. 

Oil, energy, agriculture, industry will be good in the USA but globally, there will be difficulty.  Expect a 3rd quarter stumble as interest rates increase and consumption backs off.

The war between the Church and the Body of Christ
There has been a long simmering feud between Christians who no longer find a place in the church but are a vital part of the greater body of Christ.  God is responding to this distrust.  He is moving outside the four walls of the church at a greater pace than ever before.  Huge moves of God are taking place, even globally, but little of it is taking place in the Church.  Holy Spirit is invading earth in spite of the fact that He is not welcome in most churches today.

God is doing new things in many places where no one thought we would ever see Him again. In the media, movies made by secular groups are preaching the truth of God's word.  In spite of their efforts to distort.. He cries aloud thru them.

Even with cultural influences for evil and distortion like the news channels and TV in general, God is shining his light on what is not working.  He is shaming them all the time.  While trying to walk a cultural middle ground, they trip and fall.  People no longer believe all that is said or done.  Yes the gullible do, but the discerning are becoming aware of the corruption of these flawed values.  The alternative media wins over the lies from the old ways.  Lies and liars will be exposed.  Light will come out of nowhere.  Lies and fabrications will cause many to doubt that which government and bureaucracies say.  Global warming has become a lie that didn't hold.  It was exposed by light.  More will come in 2015.  Doubt in authority will grow in 2015.  This is a mixed blessing.

These changes as God shines his Light on the darkness is creating an increasingly conservative new generation who cannot stomach the old wine.  This is good news for the ever expanding Kingdom of God and for the burgeoning body of Christ.  It will not be great news for churches who cannot see this and who will fail to be there as it come to pass.  Some will find a way to connect with what God is doing.  Most will not.  A rapid vital organic spiritual increase will show itself greater in 2015.

Hunger has been stirred.

 The pangs are real.  The middle ground of compromise is going away.

His hands, feet, mouth and heart are busy building up the new reality.   The old reality is passing away.  Those who can see and embrace what is happening will prosper spiritually in this day. It will be disconcerting to set aside what is comfortable.  Those who cling to the old wine will falter.  Light and exposure will ferret out the ordinary and usher in the supernatural. 

There will be health scares again and again.  There is a whole industry built on the foundation of keeping people frightened.  Fear NOT HE says.  Dependence on broken systems and policies will cause many to turn to the great physician.  Healing power will of necessity be released.  The rug has been pulled out of dependence on mammon and his medicine.  Faith works and in the year to come will be proven again and again.  The fear of death which is the basis of the health scares will be broken and people find eternal life and confidence.

There will be increasing pressure from the deceivers of the Saints.
They will use old tools in new ways.  Riches and their pursuit will trip up many.  Deception born of ignorance will increase as young people leave uneducated defrauded by a system that was supposed to give them a foundation.  Gullibility to myths and reasoning will trap many in the snare of a fowler.  Chains of victimization will be clamped around the ankles of those so deceived.  It is a time for those who know their God to look deeply at what they think they believe.  He (the devil) wants to keep them under his feet in submission.  He can only do this thru deception and lies.  Only truth can chisel off the chains that bind.  Truth sets people free.  The largest sea of impoverished victimized people come from a single deception accepted which grows into a web of thousands of blatant lies.  Give NO PLACE to the enemy.  Be on your guard.

Great floods of darkness will come in these deceptions, but the Lord is lifting a standard of truth against the enemy's flood.  Many eyes will open, scales falling off...yet, those trapped by them will suffer intentional blindness.  The very elect, those called by his name on the earth (maybe not in heaven) will choose intentional blindness over truth in the year to come and find themselves worse off at the end of 2015 because of it.

Bad leadership has caused the USA to groan.  Corrupt leaders in Government, Business, media, entertainment have a demonic assignment to deceives the saints of God.  The lost are already deceived.  An example would be the movie God's and Kings (Moses and the exodus) as truth.  People have become accustomed to believing what they see on screens.  Hand held and Big Screen.

The Great Civil War Before Us
We are still in battle, not yet war.  Skirmishes.  Between the Establishment and the Rebels.  Those who would control and those who want to take control away. 
This is in the Economy, Government,  Media, Education, Churches and the new wave coming in all those areas.  The old establishment will not yield easily.  The wave to come is more powerful than you can imagine. 

The Global Reset

It will most hurt third world countries and developing nations worst.  Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, even globally.  Attempts to help will be weak and fruitless.  While the USA will chug along OK as will some of Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand (developed countries) deeps recession and despair will be widespread.  Some will result in wars, but mostly just pathos of need.. Much need.

2015 is the year of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
This division, wealth inequality will lead to demagoguery.  When you hear the words “income inequality”, you will know the voice of the deceiver has been raised.  The poor will be with us …..always.  Wealth inequality only serves as a stepping stone for more to enter into wealth.  When all are the same, everyone is poor few can emerge.  It is a sad delusion when man thinks he can heal this inequality by policy and not opportunity. It only serves to enrich a few bureaucrats at the top, the elitists, and impoverish the rest.

Here is what the Lord Says you can expect personally in 2015:

"My Kingdom is growing. Be part of it. I will never abandon you.  I will cleanse you. I will wash you.  I will make you new again and again.  Yet to do this I must chasten you.  I love you too much to allow you to drift very far.  The world I have prepared for you here, your temporal destiny, is better than you are now living.  I have much more for you.  More than you can ask or think.  My world for you is secure, safe, confident.   In it you are loved, destined for more, directed clear eyed by Me. 

I love you too much to allow you to wallow as the tail and not the head.   Yet many of you are not yet ready to be the head so I must allow you to remain as the tail until you are prepared to be positioned for headship.

I must wash away all that is not of ME.  I must Cleanse all that is YOU out of YOU.  There must not be any strongholds between you and me that keep you from the full knowledge of ME.  You must be clear eyed to be the head.  When you are ready I can trust you with what I called you long ago to do.  Great wealth, influence and authority are yours.. but you must first be fully MINE.

My love for you is patient and kind, YET my dealings with you must be painful for the moment to be effective.  You must break free from mindsets and strongholds that keep you from being ready to sit in the places of authority I prepared for you.

I cannot bring you up until you are brought to full submission to my purposes in you.   Those purposes may not be what you think they are.  As you do the good works I have called you to, I will cleanse and purify your hearts until I can trust you with great wealth, power, riches, authority and influence in the earth.  It has always been my purpose in you.  You hold the key to the timing. Don't resent the delay.  Many have entered in quickly.  You can too... but first set aside all that is between you and ME."

Thus saith the Lord for 2015 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Glorious Days to Come are like Stripping Paint

There has been a lot of turmoil in the prophetic realm.  Shemitahs, Blood Moons, Apocalypses.  Leading to nothing. Then there are refugees and ISIS.  And incompetent governments. And economic uncertainty.  It looks a mess.. BUT GOD!!

All of this causes people to think something has to break.  Well, I'm here tell you prophetically it is.  It's very good.  Much of the facade is being stripped away.  It has been covered over for a long time like many layers of paint on a beautiful piece of furniture. 

Sitting right here in front of me is a solid rock maple table.  Many years ago we almost tossed it out.  But Peggy decided to strip off the paint and refinish it.  It is today one of the more beautiful things we own.  Yet it was hidden, Dirty, Covered.

When paint is stripped away the reality of the piece is exposed.  Some paint being stripped is revealing deceit and incompetence.  Some is revealing misleaders.  Some is revealing false prophets. Even in politics, the deceivers are being revealed.  Sin is being exposed.  People no longer can get away with what they used to. 

It's a time to stay humble, contrite and broken.  God is on the move.  Everything shakeable is being shaken.  The high and mighty are coming down.  The whole world is groaning.  At the time when it seems most difficult, JESUS REIGNS. 

There has been evil afoot for a lot of years.. but it's time for the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God, the Nation of the Redeemed to come into a greater and higher position.  Don't allow the doomsayers to cause you to draw back, the giants in the land are being prepared for the Davids to topple. Don't let anyone tell you that you are simply a grasshopper in their sight. YOU ARE GREATER because HE is in you.  We are well able to take the land.. but stay humble, stay in the purpose of God you are called to.  Speak truth.. it sets people free. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

When Ghosts of the Past Come to Haunt

I often think of Thomas the Doubting one, I think of Peter.  Face to face with the Eternal God of the Universe present at Creation, yet they doubted and denied.

How many times later in life did they wake up in the middle of the night thinking about those grave errors.  Not to speak even of the Apostle Paul with blood of the Saints on his hands.  Did those dead souls haunt him?

I don't know about you, but I have many skeletons in my life. I wasn't always Prophet Gene. I was the most base of Sinners.  I won't rehearse them here.  Nobody but Jesus knows about most of them.

Yet my memory brings them up before me.  I know I'm forgiven, I know my sin is washed away, but I still have waves of remembering.  As I get older those old regrets are more painful.  I am more and more thankful for his redemption from who I was.

The word of God is precious at a time like this.  I need to keep remembering who I am and who's I am.  I need to remind the enemy that those old sins are washed away.

Still.. I am human.  I carry the scars of those days.  They don't ever really go away for me.  I'm being transparent because it's something that most of us who were saved from deep darkness have.. we remember how dark it was. Particularly if you came to Jesus late in life as I did, 30 years old.   Many things happened in those first 30 years.

I don't have a prophetic word.. I am simply laying this out there so if you struggle with the past, you are not alone. I also wonder if there is someone who has good encouragement in this area. 

Forgiveness for me did not include forgetting. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Elijah Identifies but Jehu must Defeat

The Story is in 2 Kings 9:2-37.  Elijah goes to Jehu as commander to tell him Jezebel  who murdered the prophets to silence them was to be overthrown.  Jehu confronts and Jezebel is thrown down.  Eaten by dogs.

That same conundrum goes on today. Many well meaning senior leaders of ministries and churches are made aware of Jezebel in their fellowship usually by a prophet.  They are usually hard working. They are usually the ones who the leader depends on. They get things done.  They are dependable.  They also have power.  Indispensable.

The senior leader doesn't want to eliminate Jezebel, he or she believe they can reform them.  That by pointing out behavior they are able to deal with the spirit.  Yes it is a spirit.  It has never worked and won't work now.

It cannot be negotiated with, it cannot be reformed, it can only be cast out. It is a determined demon.  It won't go quietly.  So complaining that your church or leaders have a Jezebel spirit is the wrong approach.  YOU senior leader ARE the problem (In my best Maury Povich voice).  You are playing with fire.  Evict them.  Throw them down.  You tolerate Jezebel because you are dependent on Jezebel. You fear that spirit.  The Jezebel spirit has sold you the lie that if you take a stand you will loose members.  Casting out, casting down it the only cure and then mark them well.  Don't let them back in.

You have put up with Jezebel ushers, Jezebel worship leaders, Jezebel associate pastors, Jezebel Sunday School leaders.  You are convinced that if you say something half your church will leave.

As a result you have inferior ushering, demonic worship, undermining associates and domineering Sunday school crippling the young that should be learning the heart of God.  

Hear the word of the Lord Pastor, Sr Leader, Apostle... you are accountable for this:  

I have against you that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, the one calling herself a prophetess and teaching and misleading Revelation 2:20

There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife. 1 Kings 21:25

You are the Ahab if you tolerate and sell yourself to her.  You must throw her down.  (Her and Him are universal).  You have precious ones who are being abused and led astray.  How long will you linger between two opinions.

As a prophet I am telling you, but you must defeat the demon.. or remain cursed to go into decline as your ministry rots from the inside.

Now that you know the truth.. what will you do Sir or Madam?  Tolerance or Throwing Down?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Failing the "OF the WORLD" TEST

Paul Wrote to the Romans in 12:2  Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.  (NLT)

By that he posted a standard for those in Rome.  They were living in a world, corrupt, sinful, out of order and yet it was the world they lived in.  He was saying to them, think a new way.  Start renewing your mind. Make changes that matter.

At the same time he was warning about not being affected, influenced, formed and changed into an image of the world all around them.  Another translation of the 12:2 passage says it slightly differently, "Don't be conformed to the world, that is don't let the world press and form you into an image of itself".  That's the essence of conforming.  Being pressed into an ungodly mould.

Yet as I look at Christianity as is expressed in the USA there seems to be a belief that we are invulnerable to the influences the world has.  I recognize that some sects forbid movies, TV and any forms of entertainment. Some even prohibit Smart Phones and Computers.  I am not saying that we should shun such, I am saying that wisdom must reign in what we allow in our hearts and minds.

Here is a list of some of the things I see Christians being conformed to that is damaging the Cause of Christ and the Body of Christ:

  • Belief in conspiracies, theories, half truths, sensationalism, false news stories, mysteries, UFOs, Bigfoot and a hundred other wacky out there ideas that sell books but draw people away from the truth of Jesus.  What troubles me is that so many people are so quick to buy into these things without ever testing them.  They believe the lie of the devil above the Truth of God in a second.  Deception.  I wondered years ago how the verse from Matthew 24:24  could be true.  "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."  Yet.. today as I see the level of gross deception, I now believe it can happen. We as the Body of Christ lack even basic discernment.

  • Exposure to movies and television shows that has a drip drip drip effect to the point where it changes our core theologies.  I recall laughing at Howard Dean when he quoted the Bible how Jonah built a fire in the whale's belly and was spit out ..  that was a movie he has seen.  Yet there are many people who have watched too much entertainment in horror and fantasy movies without redeeming qualities who now are baited by satan to fall.  They have allowed a lie to come into their lives and no longer have the touch of God to protect them.  I have even been amazed by so called Christians who have a diet of Horror Movies... satanic horror movies. Images that plant fear and anger.  People no longer have a plum line of morality.  I remember years ago when during a show called Moonlighting on Television the couple who were main characters engaged in Fornication and people were shocked (this was in the mid 80s).   Now you can hardly watch a TV show or Movie without it being not only common but good Christans who dance and sing in Church root for the two to "Get it Together".  This is manifesting itself in sad damaging ways.  Many churches are populated mostly by mothers who are raising children on their own. They are trying, but they bought the lie.  It is not overnight, it's is a drip drip drip affect.

  • There is cultural pollution of the Mind that is going on.  Whoever you identify with and hang out with will form who you become.  This can be for good or bad.  Many people for reasons that I don't fully grasp will identify with a class or culture that is in decline or fully corrupt. Unfortunately the appeal of these identity cultures are many time led by influential people who are ready to tell you that "It's not your fault" Blame the OTHER. In Germany during Nazi years the Other was the Jew.  We know how that came out. But we have that today in large portion. Blaming others for the maladies that exist in the world.  I am guilt of this sometimes. I am unwilling to see things from another point of view. Here's the reality, IF you are of the opinion that everything that is wrong in the world is because of THEM... you are the problem.

  • The intentional ignorance that has captured Christians is the most troubling. The lack of depth of understanding among so called Christians of what should be basic issues is profound.   We all laugh at the Jay Walking street interviews, many times with people who are teachers who cannot identify leaders in government here or otherwise. Who have no idea of national issues of consequence. Yet can quickly identify pop and reality stars and can quickly rehearse the cause celeb of the day.  They are narrow and way behind.  Being ignorant is not Godly.  
  • The last factor is what we read, what we listen to, what we allow ourselves to hear, the influencers in our lives.  In a very real way they make us into who we are. If we are consuming junk food only we become unhealthy.  That's not God's best for us.  Even many who are good students of the Bible can be swayed an the leaven of the culture that infects them. 

Here's what I hear the Father Say, "Be diligent on what you see and hear.  You are not defiled by what goes into you but what comes out from you.  Yet what goes into you will eventually spill out from a polluted soul.  Guard your heart.  Don't give the enemy room to set up his tent and erect strongholds.  There are enemies that lurk in darkness disguised as light.. they are not.  I desire you to be without spot or wrinkle and that includes your heart, your mind and your soul.  Allow my Spirit to be in control and act as the umpire of your life.  I only want the best for you.  Stand firm, resist the devil and he will flee." 

Monday, September 7, 2015

When Martyrdom Doesn't Count

People try very hard to demonstrate what martyrs they are for the cause of Christ.  I have been looking at a number of these and have come to the conclusion that some is martyrdom by intent. In this they are a clanging gong and noisy cymbal.

It's not the first time. It's common in the Muslim religion to blow yourself to smithereens because according to their warped theology it results in the immediate sanctification and heavenly reward for those who do such.  And if you kill several infidels along the way, that's even better.  We laugh at them.. but then look at ourselves.

There are those on earth in Christendom who put themselves in martyrs position to extract pity and ultimately money from well meaning people.  Those suffering for the cause are easy to spot.  They tell of how they have struggled, what pain they have gone thru, what difficulties they have endured. A tear in their eye, the intone the difficulties they have endured.

IF the truth were uncovered, there certainly have been those who lived among the unsaved and paid a mortal price for the decision.  There are also those who use implied difficulty to live from the generous largess of others.

I am talking about professional sufferers.  Those who's key credit in their ministry is the suffering they endure, and they are ready and willing to tell you all about it.  The apostle Paul suffered, greatly but he didn't complain.  Maybe they could learn..

Be discerning by the appeals coming across your desktop from those who have polished suffering and use it to their gain. 

I was impressed of the Lord to Call such out.. and did..

It is more and more critical in this day and age to be discerning.  There are suffering all around us, tend to them first.. God will lead you to other you are supposed to go to.. it's the way it works.  First Jerusalem, then Samaria.. the rest of the world is and will be there.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Everybody in ministry today seems to have some angle, some secret revelation, some unique factor.... this attempt by senior leaders to carve out a niche is polluting the word of God, the message of the Gospel, Robbing God of Glory and Confusing the saints. What we need to do is revisit the core truths of the Gospel once again. We have so many preachers claiming this or that insight into the DEEP things of God that people are drowning.

This is all a blatant attempt on the part of some to build a ministry, attract members, find acceptance, create notoriety and ministerial career advancement.

Please stop. You embarrass many of us with your foolishness. Rightly divide.. but don't get nutty. I have heard some of the dumbest preaching on things like the color of Aaron's beard, Moses wife and the knife and the ever famous LODEBAR which only works because of it's phonetic sound. I have heard so many preachers intone "LOW DE BAR" with sonorous tones and no meat at all... clouds without rain.

Much of the recent things regarding Blood Moons, Shemitah and Harbinger is this kind of deep stuff. As foolish as the guy who claimed that Jesus would return in 1988 because he had 88 reasons. Harold Camping did the same thing. Sold a lot of books and made the Body of Christ less because of it.

These things pollute the message of the Kingdom.. the same one Jesus preached for 40 days after rising from the dead.

Let's get back to the basics, if you have some revelation, it's probably just for YOU.. keep it to yourself. Ponder it. Jim Jones had unique revelations and it killed hundreds.  Mohammad had deep revelations and wrote the Koran.. that led to the mess we have today.  When the world buys into the foolish deep things it causes panic where none should be, or misleads gullible people.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't wrestle with the things of God and dig for truth, but let's try to stay out of stupid.. OK?

THAT is the word of the Lord for SOMEONE TODAY