Saturday, February 15, 2014

I told Apostle John Eckhardt I would memorialize this on the 3rd anniversary of this event. This changed my life and perhaps might change yours.

It was a Tuesday night. February 15, 2011. I was in a service at Crusaders Church. John Eckhardt was ministering with another man. I don't recall who. The prophetic flow was strong. It was one of those nights when sitting quietly taking in the atmosphere was the right thing to do.

I had just come thru a very serious blow in my finances. I have been thru a few of these but this one was big. Life Changing.

Sitting in the place where I most often sit I was feeling low, depressed. Suddenly I heard the Lord. Now to be clear, I did not hear an audible voice. I seldom do. I did hear that voice that is internal, but clearly not my own. He said to me, "You don't trust me do you". I argued with the Lord, "Of course I do, I'm your prophet, you called me, I trust you". He smiled (well you know, not in direct response but to let me know He wasn't buying it). "If you really trusted me you wouldn't be here depressed, in fear and in deep concern about the future". Of course He was right.

Then He said something to me that changed my life. "If you will trust me, I will show you how I will not only provide for you, but prosper you in ways you can't yet imagine". Then he had me write down a list of ways He would do this. It was a long list and the net result was well into six figures. I found it hard to believe but when the Lord speaks like this, I want to believe.

Then Apostle did something that he does every service. He blessed us as we left. I can't describe the words he used, but he blessed us with Peace, Shalom, Grace and Prosperity. I found myself supernaturally entering into that blessing. I believed what Apostle was saying. I knew it was the blessing of God on me.

In the next few years and to this day life has never been the same. God has done all He said He would do and more. To the dime he provided exactly what he said he would in 2011. Since then I have found myself entering in to the blessing of the Apostle. I know it sounds superstitious, but I have come to realize that there is something that happens when an Apostle proclaims blessings over the people. Not cursing them for not giving. Not condemning them for being stingy. Just releasing the blessing.

In fact I am convinced a portal of blessing, if you will a window of heaven, opens up and people can enter into and under that.

It's not superstition. It's knowing that something unique is going on and entering in.

I am thankful to God for his supernatural provision and protection in my life. I am thankful to Apostle for his obedience in opening the portal and when I look at the last few years since that time, I have never seen this in my entire life. It's scary sometimes. Some deals are bigger than I can think or imagine... But that's what the scripture says... more than.

We need to enter into the portal of blessing when it comes and if you are a senior leader, open the flood gates. They are there at your word. Allow the spirit of God to move. You don't need people to give, you need people to prosper more than they can ask or think.. the rest will follow.

1 comment:

prophecyfire/ D. gansmann said...

I've had large amounts of money three times and been broke before also, God spoke in both. The last large sum money was prophesied over in me. Thanks for sharing.
Denise g.