Saturday, October 8, 2011

Everything Must be Stripped Away for the New to Come

Sitting in quiet this morning. Seeking God for a Man in India who needs a word. I am impressed of the Lord to report that we must not be panicked by circumstances.




He said to me,

"If you live in fear, if you worry, if you doubt My hand of Love in your Life, it is iniquity. It is Sin. You have nothing to fear, even if they should kill your body. I will never leave you. I will always be there.. closer than you imagine. Your mortality was a gift. Eternal life is your reward. I will make all things new, it will mean that all things Old must pass away. Forget what lies behind. Look forward to what I am doing in the earth. I am exposing evil. I am tripping up the devil once more. He thinks he is winning. He lost long ago. Lies are the only words he knows. When you hear a lie, you hear his native tongue. He cannot say truth and when he tries he distorts truth. Watch me move. Watch me break down the dividing walls. Watch me expose evil. Watch the system created by those who would keep you from me collapse. I am your only refuge. I am all you need. I am more than enough. I AM ALL."

I needed to hear that word from God today. I hope you did too.

1 comment:

Aline said...

thank you, i did need to hear it. i am sure there are many, like me, who read your posts and just "lurk" invisibly, benefiting from what you say but never giving back. So i just wanted to say thank you and well done :)