Monday, April 6, 2020

A new order is being formed, who's hand will do the shaping?

No sober person believes 5 years from now will look anything like it did at the end of 2019.  Things are going to change. A lot.  Some for the better, some for the worse.

The people making the future are on the planet right now.  They are making choices, moral and economic.  What those choices end up being will create the world your grandchildren will occupy.

We think the political folks in government make those choices.  No they reflect the choices we are making when we are with others, when we are in business, when we vote, when we buy what we buy, when we deal with our loved ones.

These choices are the fabric of the life we will lead.  In the movie and in the book "The Shack" the personage of the Holy Spirit in allegory takes the protagonist to an apparently disheveled and weedy garden space. It looks like a mess.  Then he is shown what it looks like from above, from God's eye.
It is remarkable, orderly, beautiful and most important shows how all the choices made by him were what created this. Nothing by accident.

This vision gave him hope for the future.  How he (The Protagonist) is the creator of it as the victim or victor in life.  This same thing is true of us all that occupy planet earth today

We must start to intentionally make better choices.  Much better choices.  The voice of the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy is everywhere.  It is in our media, it is among those who propose Godless legislation, it is in our political environs, it is in our entertainment, in our education establishments, in some for profit business and even in the alleged houses of God.  Even with a robe and a ring, the misleaders are everywhere.

God is using this time to expose much.  We are learning how unessential some of these things are. 

So be brave, be strong for the Lord Your GOD is Mighty.  These strongholds of evil must be silenced.  We must not just pray but speak out loudly.

Choose this day.. it is what will make your future and the world's

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