Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Politically Correct Holy Ghost-less Church

When I was first filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues it was a thrilling experience.  Supernatural in every way.  I basked in it.  Celebrated it.  Encouraged others to enter in.  It was beyond being saved, it was finding myself in a supernatural realm that included faith for Miracles, wisdom beyond my own, knowledge and prophetic, healing empowerment, Discernment of evil and good and so much more.

That was in the early 1980s.  It wasn't about Tongues and Interpretations.  That was a part of it but honestly only as a gateway to more in the supernatural.

Now in charismatic circles the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is hardly mentioned at all.  If it is, it is only in small groups or studies. It's like the Holy Ghost is personna non grata in churches today.

I understand, church is now about members and money.  It's about teaching and collecting.  It's about kingdom building, mostly at the expense of others.  There are few places you can go to find a true supernatural environment.  I don't care what is sung from the worship team, I don't care what the preacher says...  if we aren't experiencing all the manifestations of the gifts of the spirit in some measure from time to time.. we are simply a watered down version of what was intended.

There are those from the past that point the way, but it has been clouded by tradition and fear of causing offense.  I honestly don't know what to do.  I'm not angry.

How did it happen that the Church of Jesus became so inert?  When did we decide that spiritual political correctness was more important than the fullness of the Gospel of Christ.  Do we somehow think Jesus was kidding when he said, I will send you another comforter.  Or John the Baptist saying I baptize you with water but When he comes he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

It is sad, could we go back to the time when we really DID believe the Bible and start introducing people to what it really says?  As a good preacher I know says often, "What would we do if we actually believed the Bible was true?"

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Troubler of Israel?

I had a major prophet long ago tell me that part of my prophetic mantle was to be a troubler of Israel.  To sit as a voice for the supreme court of heaven.  To do so in love but never out of fear or need for popularity. 

I know that I am fulfilling the call of God on my life when I have people ask me, "Why are you always stirring things up?".  

I certainly don't need the entertainment, I ask hard questions, focus on the need for self examination and in Holy Love.  When deception and delusion have taken over a person's life, sometimes a measure of troubling is needed. 

Of course, when properly troubled there is anger, resentment and rejection.  If you are called to be a troubler of Israel, you will need to endure such.  It is no place for someone with thin skin or someone who has a need to be liked.  I'm not cursed with either malady.

Like others called to this place, calling out against injustice, real injustice is critical.  Calling out against deception.  Calling out against oppression.  Calling out against those who would be used of the enemy to be a partner in the "thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy." John 10:10a  NLT

"My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life". John 10:10b NLT.  That is the mandate of those called to trouble Israel, to help people get out of the traps that cause them to NOT have a rich and satisfying life.  Sometimes that means challenging worldviews and cultural constraints developed by the enemy to trap people in poverty, lack, disappointment, dissatisfaction, resentment, discouragement and anger.

So in this walk IF I offend someone.. it is part of the job description and I will go to my last breath carrying out that prophetic mandate ordained upon me.  Prophecy is not promising a brand new car or a new wife or husband, It is giving encouragement and vision to people trapped as victims and blinded.

We need more true prophets who trouble Israel.  Where are they?