Friday, April 20, 2018


I was meditating on the things of God, on why we don't see revival. Why so much of the church is inert, Unable to influence the culture. I heard a sound... one that I had not expected. He began to download the truth of WHY REVIVAL IS DEAD IN THE USA.

Here's what I heard Him say:

Life cannot come out of death. When death is the culture, life cannot shine. Even if it does, the dominant culture will prevail.

Clarity cannot come out of confusion. Much of the church is confused and lives in obscurity. My word should be simple but Man has make it a maze that the soul can no longer navigate.

Order cannot come out of disorder. Most of my body is in disorder and disarray. Some is denomination, some is division, some is racial, some is ethnic, some is economic, some is cultural and much is simply selfishness. It's out of order.

Discernment cannot arise our of deception. Too much of my body is living in deception. Some about being victims, some about who I am, some about the Kingdom. How can I move when they don't even SEE the kingdom. Many are not yet born again.

My light of way and truth cannot be seen for the darkness. It's always there, but religion and the world has blinded the eyes of even those who believe or think they believe.

Dependence on others, on government, on poverty programs, on politics has destroyed the capacity to operate in faith and trust in ME. If I move they credit political leaders. They never see me move so they never learn to trust.

As people trust more in Government the less they trust in me. It is an evil scheme of the enemy of your souls. I will not allow my Spirit to move in places where people gather but do not trust ME but rather trust in men, systems, government and others.

As I pondered what I was hearing I thought of a friend of mine who after ministering in a Muslim country and meeting with christian missionaries of various denominations said all that fell away as they gathered, they were desperate for the truth of God and His promise to them. He didn't fail them, but they only had Him to rely on. All the foolishness dispersed and God arose in their midst.

Think of China where people live in oppression. The church thrives. Think of some countries where Christianity is illegal, yet God Arises. Contrast that with Europe with social support systems that remove the need for God. Our government which are in Berlin.. etc.

Here's the bottom line. If you are in a community, a church, a population, a group and the bulk of your membership sees God as a fun guy, praise, dance sing but dependence on Government in every form is the norm.. don't bother to pray for revival. If you support more government support for people.. robbing others, then don't bother praying for revival. There are places I know of where no matter what.. it's dead dead. Not just Dead.

The fact is, until our nation, the USA suffers great depression and great distress in every way, until we are desperate, Revival is never coming. We are too soft, independent, removed and comfortable in our paneled houses. Unless you really want the USA to go thru a pigpen experience like the prodigal to come back the father, then don't pray. Have fun, dance, speak in tongues, howl, scream, sing and have a great time.. living in darkness.

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