Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Coming Race War will not be Racist

 A Popular Book by Carl Rowan describes what is happening in America.   I'm afraid it is getting worse and it is all driven not by racism, but by the boiling point we are coming to.   Black culture has pushed too far.  Starting with the false narratives of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, lots of other false flags and then with George Floyd, whites have been conditioned to eat a turd.  They have accepted riots, accusations, abuse, violence and terror at the hands of a minority of black people who intimidate whites into submission. 

Black on white murder is twice the rate of white on black murder.  It you are a victim of these, the resort is to get away from these predators. That means that many black friends I have are going to be dealt with by the color of their skin.  It's not fair.  It's not right.  But pattern recognition means if the population at large sees a black kid, the first reaction is look out.

In public schools black kids that are poorly raised by single moms are terrorizing vulnerable white kids who have been conditioned not to fight back.  But by every pummeling and bullying the result is a building resentment. Not racism, resentment that they have to put up with this.  It's a continuing powder keg and will result in seeing all black people alike.

The rampant black (mostly) looting and shoplifting that goes on in big cities in the USA is out of control and builds resentment, even hatred.  "There's nothing you can do about it" is the mantra of these entitled black thieves.  And of course to date they are right. 

There is a danger however and I am here to help warn those who have some influence in the black community, the fuse is lit on the powder keg.

If a white man says to a black man, "Eat this dog poop, just a small bite".  The black man who is used to not being pushed around because of his skin color will say NO, not just no but Hell No.   He knows when he is being abused and will refuse to take it.  If this were 100 years ago, he would have submitted but with deep resentment.   There has been historic institutional racism.  That has been reversed but is in danger of returning because of the actions by many in the black community (yes a minority) who have pushed too far.  When racism existed at the same level on the inverse, only a minority of white people were overtly racist the same as a minority of blacks are now guilty of the violence being committed on the culture.

Here's the problem, as white people are told to just take it, "There's nothing you can do about it".

White people and their children are taught to be compliant. To put up with this. It's like if someone says to a white person, because you are racist you have to eat some dog poop.  If you don't there will be consequences.  White folks don't want consequence so they agree to eat a little bit of dog poop.  Then the next day, some other demand comes along and they say, you have to eat another bite.  Really??  But to avoid conflict and consequence anther bite is taken.  But the next day they come to you and say another bite. You see where this is going. Slowly but surely you are being forced further and further into degradation being bullied into submission.  This might go on for some days but at some point the boiling point is hit and BOOM it explodes.  No More Dog POOP for me!!

That is what is happening

Put up with carjacking... a bite of dog poop.

Let Shoplifting and looting go... Dog poop

Murder and violence against white people without consequence ... eat that dog poop.

Bullying and the knockout game on the streets... Take another bite

Riots on the streets like we saw in Minneapolis a few years ago without consequence... Doggy doo

Unjust justice... Kids kill a retired cop and say, "We'll be out in 30 days" --- Dog excrement

Preference for Jobs, government and treatment because of race...  Find the backside of that dog

Every single bite of that dog poop that white folks have to take is leading to an explosive retaliation that will reverse the progress that was made up until Obama became President in spades.  I don't care how many mixed marriages and commercials that show black folks in good light are on TV; the news and personal experiences is building a resentment that will go BOOM.

I hate to forecast this, but I see it coming.  There is only one hope, and it's a small one.  That the black community itself will take this in hand and reverse the curse. 

I unfortunately don't see it, and I fear for the good friends I have and their children to avoid the wrath to come.


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