Thursday, January 28, 2021

How Good Men Go Bad

 We all see the world thru the eyes of our experiencc, our teaching, our culture, our indoctrination and worse our desire to confirm what we believe by "research".  

The net result is confusion, deception, blindness and prejudice.

A person can prove or disprove anything they want on the internet.  I know good people with a good heart that have convinced themselves of some of the craziest fantasies and use their "Research" as a basis for it.  Not based in reason, rationale or consideration.  It is based purely on a passion to have thier confirmation bias reinforced.  

This is what Q anon was.  This is what a lot of black oppression theory is.  This is what the fake media talking heads delusions blossom.  It is driven by an unstoppable flood of partial truths and news related to what they want to believe.   

The fact is we must get our information from very trusted sources and then question them.  They are not always accruated either.  Christians will say, "I trust the Bible as the Word of God alone".  Except there is fantasy in that as well.  Look at the cofusion about the last days and dispensationalism.  All driven by people confirming thier bias. 

The world is flooded with lies right now.  It is the currency of the devil.  Yet many good believers are being led into darkness by the flood.  And they go bad.

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