Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Things I Know to be True


As I have grown in faith, I have refined in what I know to be true.  It comes thru maturity.  Not that what I knew before was wrong (for the most part) but incomplete.  Knowing what I do now means I have to do something with it.  If I just live in this revelation without offering a revelation of these things I am a robber. You don’t have to accept them. I only want to open you up to everything Father wants for you.  There is so much more.

Things I know

Father God has no name.  We call him God.  Jesus is the perfect representation of Him but he has no personal name (if you have seen me you have seen the Father).  When we see the word GOD (in the beginning, God) the word is not what we think.  The words used to describe and “Name” Him are in fact definers of the fact that HE IS and He will be what he will be.  His NAME is His reputation, His trustworthiness to do what HE says he will do.  He accomplishes great things for His NAMES SAKE.  He has the name above all names and he means to keep it.  But he has no Name like Joe, Pete or Jim. Jesus is the name we best understand, but it is not His name in Heaven.  Nothing wrong with using the name GOD, but when we say DEAR GOD, there are a lot of so called deities that might answer.  Our Father in Heaven is the only ONE true God.  The Bible writers like John use the name God because it was understood who by readers. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God”.   That however sells his Name short.  Perhaps if we moved it up a bit, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with the name above all names that can be trusted with every good and perfect gift unlike any other name”.  A bit cumbersome, but you see the point.  It is his high, lifted up and completely trustworthy name that is above every name and He does what He does to preserve and magnify his name.  

Father God owns the earth and all that is in it, on it and under it.  He however does not control it. That is in different hands.  Some is in the hands of the enemy and some not.  Father does not LOVE the earth such that he sent Jesus to die for the earth. He loved the whole world order, which is all of humanity, all political, economic, relational, governmental, and every system known to us all.  The Kingdom of God is what Jesus taught regarding HIS new world order. He sent Jesus to pay the price for this corrupted people and systems that the ruler of this world (satan) has the rights to and power over.  This redemption is for eternal life and a redeemed life on this earth.  

The Kingdom of God spoken of in the Bible is not Heaven. Heaven is Heaven.  The Kingdom of God spoken of and taught by Jesus is here on earth. It is living on earth as it is in heaven.  Yes Jesus is King and He reigns in Heaven but he also is King of all who submit to Him.  Most of the teaching you see about the Kingdom is referring to the life we can live here on earth (as in heaven).  Now to be clear, the Kingdom of God is in heaven, but there is no sin and there is perfection.  So while a high task to bring Heaven to earth, Jesus showed us the way.  

You do not die and go to heaven. You return to heaven.  You were determined before the heavens and earth were created.  He is Father of Spirits.  You were one.  You will return as one.  You were sent here for a reason. For a purpose.  On assignment. You are no accident.  Before the earth was formed, HE declared your name.  You came perfect.  You were conceived and iniquity was present, but the real you, your spirit came to earth perfect.  Every single person who lives today, who has ever lived and who will ever live was created by Father for a purpose and carries an assignment.  Of course the iniquity of our flesh leads to all sorts of decay.  The murderers from Gaza were once a pure spirit from heaven.  They were polluted by the God of this World and his evil systems.  When they die, that spirit ceases.  Dies.

End times teachings are so wrong, harmful and in fact damaging to the Body of Christ today.  That if people were set free from this deception, they would find real freedom and joy.  Jesus came to destroy the world system and religion that had been so damaging.  He used foreign armies to destroy the temple system that had held people in bondage.  That happened in 72 AD.  The great Diaspora was the result.  He warned about this in Mathew 24. It was obvious in his teaching that he was talking about the destruction of the Temple and the detestation to come.  He talked in terms of YOU, not some generation in the future.  His warnings were repeated in the book of Revelation which was written a decade before the destruction of Jerusalem.  Once you read all that in the context of that understanding it all becomes clear.  Every clear minded theologian and preacher I know gets this.  Unfortunately these false beliefs have caused many to gravitate to dispensational preaching rather than the truth of Scripture.  If you have time you might want to read the verse by verse explanation of the truth of all this.  The author is actually less firmly preterist than I am.  He believes Jesus will come back someday, I maintain he did and he is here with us now as he said.   I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind, but I know the truth and to skip over it would be wrong.

Healing is the Children’s bread. It comes not so much by prayer and fasting, but by declaring the truth of the healing power of Father thru Jesus blood and in that authority commanding affirming the healing.  In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.  Jesus never prayed for the sick. Look it up.  He is our pattern.  Let’s be like Jesus.

Many pray wrongly so our prayers are weak and go unanswered.  First, know the will of the Father by knowing his promises.  Thank him that he promised to … fill in the blank.  Use scripture to support our prayer.  Paul wrote about this to the Philippians in chapter 4: …5Let your gentleness be apparent to all. The Lord is near. 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.…   Seems like a good plan.  

Look at Jesus at Lazarus Tomb.  Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me. You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.” Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”

Thanksgiving before petition is the key to powerful prayer.

The gifts of the Spirit, all of them, are essential to the health of a believer and the Body of Christ.  The fullness of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is real and non negotiable.  I know many people believe they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit when they were saved.  That is not scriptural. The Holy Spirit indwelling is like a drink of water after salvation, but the Baptism of the Spirit is like swimming underwater in the ocean. It is that different. Total immersion.  This isn’t about heaven, this is about much much more.  I sometimes wonder how people make it without the gifts.

The power of the prophetic to give people freedom and destiny is way underrated.  My life again and again has been changed by a prophetic word given by people who operate in this gift.  You don’t need to be spooky. Just say what God says.  If God didn’t say it, don’t.  Sometimes I have to say to someone, I just don’t have anything right now.  Those who deny the power of the prophetic are picking their own pockets.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Coming Race War will not be Racist

 A Popular Book by Carl Rowan describes what is happening in America.   I'm afraid it is getting worse and it is all driven not by racism, but by the boiling point we are coming to.   Black culture has pushed too far.  Starting with the false narratives of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, lots of other false flags and then with George Floyd, whites have been conditioned to eat a turd.  They have accepted riots, accusations, abuse, violence and terror at the hands of a minority of black people who intimidate whites into submission. 

Black on white murder is twice the rate of white on black murder.  It you are a victim of these, the resort is to get away from these predators. That means that many black friends I have are going to be dealt with by the color of their skin.  It's not fair.  It's not right.  But pattern recognition means if the population at large sees a black kid, the first reaction is look out.

In public schools black kids that are poorly raised by single moms are terrorizing vulnerable white kids who have been conditioned not to fight back.  But by every pummeling and bullying the result is a building resentment. Not racism, resentment that they have to put up with this.  It's a continuing powder keg and will result in seeing all black people alike.

The rampant black (mostly) looting and shoplifting that goes on in big cities in the USA is out of control and builds resentment, even hatred.  "There's nothing you can do about it" is the mantra of these entitled black thieves.  And of course to date they are right. 

There is a danger however and I am here to help warn those who have some influence in the black community, the fuse is lit on the powder keg.

If a white man says to a black man, "Eat this dog poop, just a small bite".  The black man who is used to not being pushed around because of his skin color will say NO, not just no but Hell No.   He knows when he is being abused and will refuse to take it.  If this were 100 years ago, he would have submitted but with deep resentment.   There has been historic institutional racism.  That has been reversed but is in danger of returning because of the actions by many in the black community (yes a minority) who have pushed too far.  When racism existed at the same level on the inverse, only a minority of white people were overtly racist the same as a minority of blacks are now guilty of the violence being committed on the culture.

Here's the problem, as white people are told to just take it, "There's nothing you can do about it".

White people and their children are taught to be compliant. To put up with this. It's like if someone says to a white person, because you are racist you have to eat some dog poop.  If you don't there will be consequences.  White folks don't want consequence so they agree to eat a little bit of dog poop.  Then the next day, some other demand comes along and they say, you have to eat another bite.  Really??  But to avoid conflict and consequence anther bite is taken.  But the next day they come to you and say another bite. You see where this is going. Slowly but surely you are being forced further and further into degradation being bullied into submission.  This might go on for some days but at some point the boiling point is hit and BOOM it explodes.  No More Dog POOP for me!!

That is what is happening

Put up with carjacking... a bite of dog poop.

Let Shoplifting and looting go... Dog poop

Murder and violence against white people without consequence ... eat that dog poop.

Bullying and the knockout game on the streets... Take another bite

Riots on the streets like we saw in Minneapolis a few years ago without consequence... Doggy doo

Unjust justice... Kids kill a retired cop and say, "We'll be out in 30 days" --- Dog excrement

Preference for Jobs, government and treatment because of race...  Find the backside of that dog

Every single bite of that dog poop that white folks have to take is leading to an explosive retaliation that will reverse the progress that was made up until Obama became President in spades.  I don't care how many mixed marriages and commercials that show black folks in good light are on TV; the news and personal experiences is building a resentment that will go BOOM.

I hate to forecast this, but I see it coming.  There is only one hope, and it's a small one.  That the black community itself will take this in hand and reverse the curse. 

I unfortunately don't see it, and I fear for the good friends I have and their children to avoid the wrath to come.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

The War to Come

The news is full of fear.  Wars, rumors, killing, brutality, division and hate is everywhere.  This is the devil's playground.  He has ramped up the deception to the point that even those who know and love God as the Elect are being deceived constantly.

The end time deception is renewing fear and false hope among many.  They believe that somehow Jesus is going to show up and fix all this.  I am not here to debate that. I don't believe it, but that's another story.

The reason I know Jesus isn't coming soon is because YOU exist. He gave you His Spirit.  He lives inside you. He is a comforter. He is a counselor.  He is an equipper.  If Jesus was going to be Mr Fixit in a return visit, then all that He did to bring the Kingdom to you and in you is wasted.   You are the Jesus the world needs right now.  But enough about all that.

I see things in the future that aren't good.  Not just economic, but that is part of it.  Our weakness in the world because of the misleading that has gone on has opened a can of poison that won't be easy to close again... if we can.  

Russia, Iran, China are all seizing on our defaulting national posture.  Does anyone really believe that 50 years from now China and Taiwan won't be one country dominated by China?  And if you look further, how about the Philippines and other countries in the dome of evil called China.  Who is going to defend them?  Not the USA.  Not Australia, Not Europe, Not Canada, No-one in Africa.  Not India.  This will happen, blood will be shed, it will be hopeless.  Timing is everything.  

Russia is NOT losing in Ukraine.  It is biding it's time waiting for the world now occupied with Israel to begin to back away from this proxy war.  Oh, Russia is weaker, but they have Oil, lots of oil. A gas station with an army and nuclear weapons.  If Putin died tomorrow, someone much worse will arise.  They also see the USA's weakness.  Europe's collapse from cultural suicide.  France is lost to anti freedom Muslims.  

Once Russia completes the task, they will be even more dangerous.  

Add to that the rise of IRAN as the third part of the axis of evil.  The war in Syria was Russian, the war against Israel is pure and simply Iranian.  They are supplying the weapons, the strategies and whatever else it takes.  I know for many Christians the reality of the world war that is coming augers against the idea that Israel will be forever.  Let's look at the situation.  Iran either has a nuclear bomb, or will have.  They truly desire to see Israel off the map.  While the neighboring countries are staying out of the war "Mostly", Egypt, Jordon, Saudi Arabia, and other Muslim dominant countries are critical of Israel in what is happening right now.  They in their heart of hearts would be OK with Israel disappearing.

Now here's the hard part.  If you see what you see in the middle east, a tiny but prosperous country right in the middle of a sea of Islam, many dedicated to the erasure of Israel, do you believe that a hundred years from now Israel will exist?  If they win this war, there will be others. From Lebanon, From the west bank.  Israel has serious enemies in Iran, No friends in Iraq, Russia would love to take advantage of this situation, Turkey our supposed ally is not Israel's friend, China and it's subordiant weapons factory in North Korea would love to continue to prosper.

Is there a solution?  Not easy.  But the war is coming.  How big it will be is hard to say.  War in 24.  Here's the rub.  This could get Biden, should he survive, re-elected. A wartime president always does.

Not doom and gloom, but things are worse than we think.  All reporting other than that from the boots on the ground is propaganda.  Don't believe anything you hear from most media.  The devil is a liar and he has willing participants on TV.

Meanwhile in the USA, we are at war internally.  There is no unity.  The potential for an attack inside our borders has never been greater.  Yet we have inept political leaders at nearly every level.  We are weak and getting weaker.  I wonder if the USA will exist in any form 200 years from now.

We have no voice of reason, hope and vision from anyone.   What will the world look like after the war?  How will we cope with the collapse?  This is not a battlefield 24 video game, this is real life. 

I don't want you to be in more fear, I want you to stop believing the fairy tales.  I want to see you have hope and a future.  I also don't want you to be taken unawares.  When these things happen, know that God is not shocked.  Let him speak to you from the Spirit resident inside you.  I wrote this December 30, 2022.   

In the year to come will be fresh news of pestilence, disease, decay and death.  I have preserved you to this day and will in 2023.  Trust me once again.  I never fail.

You are my body, my hands, my feet, and my voice in the earth today.  If you are silent and still in the face of the evil days to come, so am I.  I gave you power to defeat the works of the enemy.  Without you, I can do nothing.  Within you I can do all things by the anointing resident in you.  I need you to breath.  I need you to move.

There are those I have placed among you that are wise.  Seek truth and wisdom from those carry it for the difficult days that are to come.  But be wise when you hear. Some who call themselves my servants are not among the wisdom I send you, not everyone who says Lord, Lord is from me.  I don’t know them.

I have dispatched warring angels all around you.  They do battle, they accompany you and they move as you speak and act according to my word.  They can not do anything contrary to my word.  When you are obedient to My Word, Angel Swords are wielded.

 In spite of what appears to be a rising darkness, MY light shines in the darkness and drives the darkness back.   That light is YOU.  Shine my sons and daughters.  Shine before men and the darkness will flee.  Don’t ever be discouraged.  I said I will never leave nor forsake you.  I am the way, the truth and the life.  I am that bright light shining in you.  The darkness is trembling.

It's still true.  So be strong and courageous, and be ready to do battle. The war is coming.


Thursday, December 30, 2021



Covid is over.  The last gasp (omicron) has already taken place.  Natural immunity saves the day.  The attempts by corrupt leaders to try to capitalize on fear are collapsing.  Tyranny is being exposed.   The tool is demonic fear.

 China teeters on collapse.  This means danger.  Taiwan is in the crosshairs.  A wounded tiger will strike.  It is depending on Russia to be its partner but that will fail.  This is a danger.  Russia will slowly become an ally in practice to the USA.  It knows that China is an unstable, even dangerous partner.  We will see the beginning of this in 2022.

 European leadership will fall as populations become less and less tolerant of the decline.  They will be replaced by even more right wing leaders or far left.  No middle of the road. 

 There will be events in the climate that will cause many to attempt to create fear again.  As the pandemic subsides, the need to use fear as a control will cause leaders to try to capitalize on another intangible threat.   There will be a drought in certain key commodity production regions, perhaps in the USA.  This will be the worst we have seen globally for 40 years.  Commodity prices will rise as stocks stumble.  It is impermanent, but painful for many. 

 Countries that oppressed their people radically will find themselves in a state of near civil war.  Canada, New Zealand and Australia are going to end up in a change state that is overdue.  Some countries will drift into near communistic decline, Brazil and Chile.

 The elections of 2022 will be wild but will follow the familiar pattern.  Reversals of fortune for those in power will happen.  The prophesied red wave will be smaller than we think.  There will be corruption and contested results.  It will still bode well for change, but the political scene will be messy.  Voter fraud will be accused and found.

Biden will still be alive at the end of 2022 but there will be a move to replace him after the 2022 midterm elections.  Not with Harris.   A dark horse replacement will be found.  Someone most are not thinking of right now. The pressure to displace the President will not root in his incompetence and age, but in the darkening scandal surrounding him.

The Epstein secret records will be finally be released and many will be exposed.  Maxwell will spend time in jail.  She is in danger.



The US economy will prosper but inflation will become a big problem.  Crypto currency will rise and fall, rise and fall. The confidence many have in Crypto currency will be shaken by its volatility. By the end of 2022 there will be looming regulations and a settling out of value.  Predictions of a wild bull run will disappoint many.

 The stock market will see a 25% correction as inflation increases.  Then come back slowly.  Inflation will cause many to consider other options.  The recovery will be 1/3rd as slow as the fall but the opportunities presented to the brave will be significant.  Gas prices as the pandemic subsides will reach $4 per gallon and hold until production catches up.  Shortages of all kinds will continue to plague the economy.  Instability.



Racism accusations on the part of the victimhood cult have peaked.  It becomes apparent that the noise surrounding all of the accusations is overwrought.  Black Lives Matter and all the associated groups will lose whatever credibility they had.

 Violence and lawlessness on the street will of necessity be dealt with harshly.  Cities will cry for help.  There will be objections, but the population is fed up.  Watch New York City to take the lead.  The people’s nose is full of this.  Cities have become war zones.  The battle to take them back will ensue in 2022.

 Liberal delusional insanity will intensify as standard of righteousness in the bulk of the population will become such an obvious contrast until no one will believe people ever fell for such things.  The cultural left is becoming a pariah.  Trust in the left leaning media is collapsing.  CNN has become a laughing stock.  That will spread.



We are moving into a golden age in our nation, but a spiritual wasteland. We are losing the culture war and the world is happy for itself. Look at what is happening. 

 We are coming into a Golden Age in a secular sense:  Fusion energy is coming, Small form Nuclear Plants and are becoming accepted as a solution to climate change, space travel is ramping up from private money leading to Mars colonization, the pandemic has changed how we work and where (not as much commuting), ANTIFA, BLM and the other thuggery is being rejected at all levels.  Lawlessness is still rampant but that is now on the radar of even democrat leaders, the complete collapse of the trust in news media has created better critical thinking not that the illusions are gone. A satellite network will free people from censorship (Starlink), China is losing manufacturing that is moving back to the USA.   We have learned to deal with pandemics in record time and also with therapeutics, e-bikes are changing everything, we are in much better health on average than we have ever been, The pandemic is changing to being endemic, we are living longer and better, standards of living are at an all time high, there are few actual world wars anywhere (there are armed conflicts and threats).  Robotics is being used more every day.  The Smart Phone has revolutionized our life.  Even our health care monitoring is done by phone and watch.  We carry in our pockets the gateway to a global library of information.  Some is misleading, but we know more about our health and well being than ever before.  We have never had it this good before, this is the best we have ever seen. We have never been healthier or more conscious of it.


Yet with all these developments we seem to be stuck in the world of the western Church.  The changes with on line church services replacing gatherings are counter to the admonition not to forsake assembling together.  The on line component isn’t going away.

Social media has replaced fellowship and in person relationships.  Church exists in the metaverse.  Millennials are abandoning organized religion.  They want it but find what the Church offers to be insipid.

 Western Christianity is changing.  Most won’t recognize it after the transformation.  It is becoming fractured and informal.  There will still be Churches but they won’t look like we remember 20 years ago.  Ministry and fellowship will be all that hold them together. It will be elemental discipleship that builds the body of Christ. 

 There are signs of awakening in various places, but the great awakening is not yet on the horizon. This is the result of becoming too comfortable.  In countries with pain, Jesus is King, in western cultures He only an ornament celebrated seasonally.  Atheism, agnosticism, people that don’t have room for God in their lives is a luxury that results from the peace and prosperity as we have in the west.  The question is what Father will do to bring people back to Him.  Do we really want to see that?   I see this as happening in 2022.

 Spiritually we are in a dangerous place.  The Prophet Isaiah wrote to Judah and Jerusalem in the first 9 chapters regarding the danger the nation was in when prosperity was strangling love for God.  But as the time matures and justice reigns, there is a hope and a promise.  We are there again.  Can we avoid the tragedy that accompanies this national apostasy?  I don’t think so.  Prophecy moves in large deep and long cycles.  We are there again.  The word of the Lord from Isaiah to Judah and Jerusalem was for them, but also to us in our day.  Hear the word of the Lord. Review those first 9 Chapters for yourself.  You will hear the voice of God speaking to us today:

 The children I raised have turned against me.  Oxen and donkeys know who owns and feeds them, but my people won’t ever learn.

 Your country lies in ruins; your towns are in ashes. Foreigners and strangers your land while you watch.

 Your leaders have rejected me to become friends of crooks; your rulers are looking for gifts and bribes.

 They have endless treasures of silver and gold; they have countless ammunition and war machines.

 Everywhere in the country they worship the work of their hands, what they have made.

 The Lord All-Powerful has chosen a day when those who are proud and conceited will be put down.

 He will let children become your rulers.

  You will each be cruel to friends and neighbors. Young people will insult their elders; no one will show respect to those who deserve it.

 Though you are God’s people, you are ruled and abused by women and children.  You are confused by leaders who guide you down the wrong path.

 Women are proud and strut around, winking shamelessly. They wear anklets that jingle and call attention to the way they walk.

 I will take away from those women all the fine jewelry they wear on their ankles, heads, necks, ears, arms, noses, fingers, and on their clothes. I will remove their veils, their belts, their perfume, their magic charms, their royal robes, and all their fancy dresses, hats, and purses.

 Their large and beautiful homes will be left empty, with no one to take care of them. 

  You are in for trouble! You get up early to start drinking, and you keep it up late into the night.   At your drinking parties you have the music of stringed instruments, tambourines, and flutes. But you never even think about all the Lord has done for you

 You think you are clever and smart.   And you are great at drinking and mixing drinks. But you are in for trouble.  You accept bribes to let the guilty go free, and you cheat the innocent out of a fair trial.

YET there is a promise

 Those who walked in the dark have seen a bright light.  And it shines upon everyone who lives in the land of dark shadows.

  Our Lord, you have made your nation stronger. Because of you, its people are glad and celebrate like those at harvest time

 You have broken the power of those who abused and enslaved your people. You have rescued them and saved your people

 We can rise above this decline as we focus on what is real.  Jesus doesn’t live in our time or our culture.  He is the real culture.  He orchestrates time.  He isn’t surprised by anything we see today.  He is preparing the way out. Don’t be lulled into thinking there is no hope.  Don’t become entranced by the seem riches of this world that take your eyes off the eternal.

 Spiritually and Culturally we are in the best of times and in the worst of times.  May God have mercy on us all.







Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Truth of the Times - NOT THE END!


500 years before Christ was born, Old Testament prophets such as: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel spoke of a coming Messiah. 
Jesus is the fulfillment of those (over 300) Messianic Prophecies!
These prophecies were completely fulfilled in the first century during Jesus' life-time as He was and He is the Messiah to the world.
Then Jesus prophesied to His 4 disciples (Peter, James, John & Andrew) that during their lifetime - in the 1st century - there would be an end to the Old (Mosaic) Covenant System which would include the destruction of The Temple and the end of animal sacrifices. 
In other words - Bible Prophesy has been fulfilled! 
  • We are not living in the end times or the last days.
  • We are not living in the wrath and judgment of God.
  • We are not waiting for all hell to break loose.
  • We are not hopeless victims of evil.
  • We are here to change the world as Christ did.
  • We are here to bring heaven to earth.
  • We are in the everlasting days of the eternal kingdom!!
  • We are in the world without end. ( Eph. 3:21)
  • We are here to tear down the old and build the new.
  • We are here to plant, water and reap.
  • We are here to subdue and have dominion.

Get out of the Holding Pattern

A good friend of mine sent me this and while I love his heart, I fear he has been diverted by bad theology:

Revelation 5:10
You have made us  to be kings and priests to serve Our GOD, and they will reign upon the earth.
Scholars tell us that the more correct translation is Made to be a kingdom of priests. Many believers, myself included, do not look far enough ahead in our Walk of faith to realize that in our new life in the heaven , that we all want to get to, is also a place of responsibilities. Revelation tells us that upon that day Christ will appoint those redeemed to a position of rulership to reign on earth. They will be appointed because they like Christ have prepared to offer these services to The kingdom. They will be given priestly functions and Shepherding duties. Both of these future positions are to help us focus today on what we are to do with our faith before that day comes. Jesus tells us we are to prepare to lead others in the Kingdom. It’s Monday and we like most Christians are more focused on being saved and the  salvation of our loved ones. Jesus tells us to use this period to prepare for serving GOD at much higher level of responsibility after HE returns. We are being created in HIS image and HE says HE is looking for leadership in all of us. We are to lead others in spiritual growth as we get stronger ourselves, by living HIS way of life. We lead others by example and the paths that we choose.  So  this week remember that even though you feel as though you have your future in heaven worked out , your about to get a promotion unlike anything you can imagine and it’s time as a John writes to prepare to reign as Kings and Priests.We have work to do!!
Have a wonderful week
Love you

Great heart, wonderful man, bad theology:

Jesus taught on the Kingdom of God, He gave a mandate. He sent out his followers.  The Kingdom of God is to expand, not go into a stasis waiting for the day when Jesus returns.

We already are kings and priests according to the word of God.  We are Sons and Daughters.  We have a responsibility right now right here to rule and reign with Christ on the earth. Not some far away time in the future. 

We have the responsibility to shepherd and lead those who are coming into the kingdom.

We need to stop getting ready and start carrying out the leadership we already are born again into.

We are not like some lost airplane forever in a holding pattern waiting for instructions to land.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Perfect Testimony

Last Saturday Morning our men's group was treated to what I believe was the perfect example of how to give a testimony.  The man giving it is not a trained speaker although in listening to him I spotted real talent.

His name is Greg.  He is normally shy.  But he is deep. As a person who in Dale Carnegie trained over thousand people in Public Speaking from 1975-1985 and who assisted in the training of several hundred more from the time I first took the course in 1970, It changed my life and gave me deep appreciation for good platform presence and presentation.   It also painful when it's not.

If you are ever called on to give the perfect testimony as Greg did here are some tips (How he did it).

Brevity is the soul of wit.  Say less better.  Don't ramble. 

He constructed his talk thus: 

He began with genuine and sincere appreciation for being allowed to talk.  Gave accolades all around. Made people feel comfortable.

Then he stated the premise of his talk at the beginning. "How God Shows Up in the Little things".

He offered 3 clear simple personal examples. Not long, but clear and with drama.  The Exemplar Doce.... "The example makes it clear".

The stories didn't make Greg the hero.. it made him the recipient of God's grace.   We were right there with him.

He shared with a story how he came from simple churchianity to a profound encounter with the Holy.  How putting aside precincievd ideas led him to better truth.

He shared 4 different Biblical references.  Not to support his thesis, but to show how the Word helps reveal who God is and what that means to him.  Very personal and transparent.  He continually focused on the attributes of the Father.  So when he read and referred to these few passages, he did so with reverence and deep personal application.  A side note, most people that try to do this will hammer too many Bible references and use it to support their point. It is a sign of poor preparation and understanding.  

As he came to the end of his talk he carefully developed three points (challenges) for us all.  He asked the questions carefully but without accusation.  Greg is soft spoken but you could have heard a pin drop during his whole presentation.  

As a trainer of many great speakers and too many not so great, when it is done well it is a joy to behold.  If you were there Saturday Morning, you saw it done right.  Now go and do likelwise.  

Say Less Better.  Stop before you are done.  Don't talk in circles.

I wish many more would hear what Greg shared.. and maybe someday will.  Don't lose that number Greg.. you have a real gift.