Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A wave of deception countered by a Flood of the Knowledge of God

 When you look at all you see around you it is easy to become discouraged and think nothing is going to work out.  It is true that there is a huge wave of deception in the earth at the moment.  It is so deep and so profound that even the very elect would be discouraged.  

On the other hand the flood of the Knowledge of God, the Kingdom expanding and the power of his might in the earth by his body is standing against.  It looks dim, but I see defeat in the eye of the enemy.  It will not stand, this rebellion. 

As God in Heaven Rules.. so by us taking our rightful stand on earth we rule and reign.. from our position in the throne.  We cannot rule by our own strenght, might or power.  Only by standing firm.  This is the position of might we weild.  The enemy will  slink away once more as he always does.  Oh be certain of this, he will try to come back and once more attack, steal, rob and destroy.

The victory is  certain.  Don't lose heart.

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