Friday, December 2, 2011

A Warning from a Brother in Soweto

I don't KNOW this brother, but his admonition is correct. Soweto is in South Africa, if you didn't know. He comes from the impoverished area near Johannesburg.

Vusi Ndaba
The greatest deception that is fatal to the Kingdom of God is when a servant of God believes that everything he says or does being in the spirit is correct.

The second one is to believe that the anointing or the move of God is God's approval.

One of the most prominent apostles of the Lord, who walked with the Lord missed the Lord when he was in the spirit (Revelation 1: 10) John the apostle while in the spirit, worshipped an angel, and the angel rebuked him (Revelation 22: 8-9).

It's not a matter of how mature you are or how long have you been saved, anyone can be deceived, if not careful. A servant of the Lord can be highly anointed to heal the sick, open the blind eyes , raise the dead and come with the word of knowledge concerning someone's condition etc. That can be deceiving to believe that every word of prophecy spoken in this spiritual mood is correct. In spite of the heaviness of anointing and the accuracy of the word of knowledge, it is still necessary to discern the prophetic word spoken, because like John, the prophesier can prophesy in the flesh and deceive many who are not discerning, it is during this heavy anointing when someone will start to prophecy in this time and age of the rapture immanency that someone will give birth to a child who is going to trouble the kingdom of darkness, this prophecy will keep many who are not watching for His imminent return, right now there are organized year end prophecies that will predict a great 2012, yet we know that the opposite is true.

The second deception is when the servant of God begin to believe that the move of God is an indication of God's approval. God may still use you even if you are on your way to perdition (Matthew 7: 21-23). You must constantly ask the Lord to search you that relying on the anointing to measure God's approval of your life or ministry. However there is no excuse for those who gives false hope and deceive the people of God, their judgment will be severe.

Please seek God about the relevant message of this time and season before you make a mess. The grace of the Lord be with all of you in this season of preparing the Bride in holiness, and complete surrender, amen!!

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