Friday, July 23, 2010

A Prophetic Rebuke to the Body of Christ

IF you heed the Prophets you will Prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20): Two weeks after the Big Oil Spill in the gulf of Mexico I sought the Lord for a prophetic viewpoint on the situation. He was clear and I posted May 11 what you see in the link for all to see.

From that time until the last week or so I ...have heard such foolishness from the Body of Christ about the oil spill that I am issuing a public rebuke . Quit buying into every conspiracy and goofy theory that comes along. Seek God. If you don't hear from Him, look at what TRUSTED prophets are saying.

Christians look foolish when we propagate such stories as a huge underground explosion, leak that never stops, evacuations, exploding whales, end of the world and beginning of tribulation speculations. Paul, the Apostle, said don't engage in these vain speculations.

I know I will offend some people, but we have to grow up. We have to start hearing from God in our lives. I have shared the prophesy in the link with many people since the gulf oil spill. At the beginning I was discounted as a Prophet for this. Now the reality is setting in. If you keep an eye on the news you will see that everything the Lord said has and IS coming to pass.

Skimmers can't find hardly any oil slick in the gulf now, they are giving up. Oil is not washing up much any more. The oil plumes under the water are gone. The oil that has washed up is being degraded and will be gone in less than a year. The spill early on and contemporary with the word given was being described as 5000 barrels a day, it was much worse and the public and private incompetence was put on full display. Now a tropical storm, first of several, is moving thru the gulf over the remaining particles and after this there will be nearly no evidence other than what we saw earlier.

Meanwhile CHRISTIANS hearts failed them for fear during this time. They fed each other myths and old wives tales. That is NOT the purpose of God for his people. HE did not GIVE US as Spirit of FEAR. I met yesterday with a businessman who I know, he asked me what I thought he should do in light of the coming economic difficulties to come. I told him, TRUST GOD with all your heart. There is no other option. Any fleshly preparation will be wood hay and stubble.

Listen to the Prophets and you will succeed.


Unknown said...

Wow...that was convicting a little. I told some people to warn them of the economic troubles to come, but after reading this I was convicted. Thanks for you obedience towards the Lord Jesus Christ! Keep me in your prayers and God bless you! :)

Ron McK said...

Good call, but which prophets should Christians listen to. Most the big name prophets are into the stuff, you are correcting.

Heart n Hands Inc. said...

Amen! Speak and Hold not back. Do not mix brass with Gold but continue to speak as you are told. Anger justified over people stupefied when Wisdom should have been applied!

Have read quite much on another forum... such words and attitudes! Some stink as much as the decaying matter in the Gulf!

God Help us get Your Heart and Your perspective and forget our own!

Blessings dear brother.

Gene said...

Thanks Nancy. I sent you an email.

Ron, I guess I would say listen to the prophets that time and time and time again prove to be sound and listen to the ones that propagate love, faith and hope in spite of coming difficulties.

Or to put it another way, listen to the ones that sound like God speaking. He gave us an example, His WORD. We can get the tone from that and then judge the words coming forth.

I don't hold myself up as one people should listen to unless they want to judge carefully. I appreciate that over the years you have bumped and sharpened the sword of the prophetic word in my mouth. Iron Sharpening Iron.

Not that I have arrived but in a drought of the true prophetic, it seems like I have plenty to do.

SO, I'll keep putting out there what I hear the Lord say. I'll try to keep my flesh out of it. I'll be diligent to keep LOVE first.

AND then I will speak the word of the Lord Boldly to encourage and equip the Body of Christ as I can touch it. That's my prophetic mission. In this word I was faithful to my calling and mission.